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Commission by liotas.

Ah… Took me sooo long to draw this sketch… Orz

It is always very time consuming to draw multiple characters at once, especially when it involves tons of pages… Making it very difficult to come up with different expression and poses so they don’t look mirrored from each other…

Standing split pose is always fun to draw, but damm, this one is quite a challenge to draw… Mostly because of the fact I am not too familiar with sm0l type body, took me quite a while to make sure the drawing is proportionally correct…

When I drew Reno standing split pose last time, I really wanted to draw her full body… but since the canvas is tilted, at the time I decided to crop it instead. So this time I be sure to include a full body version!~

I hope you guys like this sketch~~

Other pages: https://sta.sh/2fjzq1unifj




Loving this one so far. The themes like the double-sided hоrse dildo and the tubes pumping mystery fluid inside them are amazing. Their prоlapses are so close together in the last one too, they're almost touching and I bet they would meet if they had one little last push. Looking great, can't wait to see the finished product!


It looks incredible. I really like the dildo, it makes a nice bulge


I'm looking foward for the new pack, will it be ready by April?


My current plan/estimate is to finish the new pack by the end of April, but I cannot guarantee anything due to my absurdly slow speed on drawing... I will try my best!!╭( ・ㅂ・)و