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Sigh, I am sorry for slow update… Last week been trying really hard on the Keqing Ganyu drawing, but there is just too much work so I will need quite a bit more time to finish it… Orz

Anyway, a Chinese New Year theme drawing~ A little bit late due to being force to do the CNY activities, so tiring since I honestly not a fan visiting my relatives haha…

I always find Glorious’ Chinese outfit quite fascinating, I am guessing her skin is actually half-dressed? So the idea is what if, Glorious does indeed wear her outfit like this even in front of people~~ XD

So in this picture, Glorious is kindly teaching these shótas how to write this CNY decoration call “Fai chun”. I am still unsure what word should be written on the Fai chun she is holding, hence why it is blank for now… 0x0

Anyway, now with this sketch done, I shall put this on hold for time being, so I can focus on Ganyu drawing and get it done asap!! >3<

Hope you guys like this~




I got an erection because of you. Take responsibility.


露出度の高い衣装は良いですね~ イラストに色がつくのが楽しみです!


Looking good! I quite enjoy the second variation, her nonchalant expression with everything on display just gives off a shameless energy that's too powerful. Loving it, and I'm pretty curious as to what word you're going to choose for the fai chun. Keep it up!