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Birthday commission for Druze.

Since this drawing is kinda a small one, thought there is no need for any WIP… XD

Initially wanted to finish this days ago, but end up feeling a bit unwell recently (totally not because I been playing too much Genshin LOL), so the drawing speed has slow down a bit…

Anyway, this is Mutsuki wishing Druze happy birthday~ Honestly was quite a struggle to draw such a smol chara haha, since I prefer girls with large bewbs XDDD

Anyway, I will be start on some new sketches soon, so I might go quiet for a bit again… Thank you for your patient!





Nice work~


Also Happy Birthday, Druze ^^


take as much time as you need no need to rush the art


Commander Druže is truly a true supporter. To call him, he is a veteran. He is qualified. Happy Birthday !


Gonna make me cry, man. I love this so much. I saw the Sketch, sure, but the colour Just came out of nowhere. And as always, it's the colour that's your strong suit. Such a yummy-looking "cake", if you catch my drift... I appreciate all the effort you put into this, thanks so much. 😭


Happy birthday!


haha sorry for being a bit late... Glad to see how happy you are with this drawing~ (/^▽^)/