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Previous WIP: https://sta.sh/011e5fj96yta

Sorry for lack of update for so long… Instead of starting a new sketch, I figure I should work on this instead. Since this is such a huge drawing, it is better if I work on this bit by bits so it won’t be as stressful when I do finally try finish this drawing… 030/

Initially I expect myself to finish lineart last week, but since the sketch was done a year ago, I now realized there are many errors in this drawing. Literally, every character on this drawing required fixing on anatomy details etc, which took me ages to fix…

Then I also include some newer characters from the game to filled some of the space, since I already make this drawing quite crazily packed, might as well go all out right? XD

Lastly, I used a texture brush for the main 3 girls at the front, it isn’t quite noticeable when unzoomed, but hopefully this will make the front girls look better when close up.

Anyway, I hope you guys like this working in progress so far, sorry again for being silence… If no art block and anything, hopefully I will have some new sketch to show in the upcoming week~ stay tune~




Finally new step of this work, honestly I was tired of waiting, I thought it was abandoned... Glad to know that the work continues)


very nice art is prob taken a while with so many characters


Dude it looks sick


Ayy, glad to see some progress on this, I’m hype. Take your time, though, this is indeed quite the huge piece. But it is looking great so far, keep it up!

Corporal Tommy

Damn, that's a lot of girls. I can see why this took a while. Can't wait to see the final product.


Man, this looks like a lot of work.


I am glad you like this drawing~ It isn't abandon, it is just that this drawing is too much work, I figure it is best I work on other smaller drawings first before doing this one. Since at the moment I plan to make this drawing my final work on patreon, so I am sorry to say you will have to wait quite a bit longer to see this finish... (^~^;)ゞ


Ye... The amount of character is so insane, years ago I would never imagine myself doing such crazy drawing haha ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_


Ye, took me forever just to lineart haha thanks ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


Oh I hope there will be a pr0lapse version xD


Yes ofc this will have a pr0lapse version~ (๑ゝ∀●๑)