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Fund by my friend ANIME4LIFU

I am sooo sorry for long absence… I have been working really hard recently on this drawing, but it simply was so much to do so that’s why I haven’t been active at all…

Due to the crazy extreme theme this time, despite already having a tone down human gröup sex version, I decide to also do 1 more version with just Bremmy pinup…

The background was very tiring to do, since I was pretty clueless on what to draw for the background, especially for the pinup version… Ultimately I came up with an idea base on the original art from the game, with Bremmy sitting on the fighting stage posing for her fans. I cheated a little on the backgrounds by using enviroment screenshots from Genshin, but since it act as the far background it isn’t that noticeable…

As for the human/zömbie, they were extremely tiring to draw… First I struggled quite a bit getting the leg hair correct on the human version, then as for the zömbie it took me ages to get their skin texture looking good… not to mention the cὑm covering the girls was a huge hassle to draw…

Lastly for the final page on the zömbie pack, I decide to go full on crazy with it since I probably won’t have another chance to draw zömbie theme drawing haha… I add it in a separate folder in case the drawing creeps you guys out, so open with caution!

Although this drawing took me crazy long to draw, I still had tons of fun working on this, and I really hope you guys will like this drawing too~

Lastly, I will send out the content packs tomorrow when I finalize all the drawings. Stay tune~

