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Small update

Want to make a small confession/apology… So recently, I have been really slow on drawing due to lack of motivation and lack of confidence…

There is many reason for the lack of motivation, like stress in life and all other bs, but one of them is the recent decrease in my view count on pixiv… now looking back at it, I really shouldn’t let this affect me because I don’t have a lot of time to waste these days… and I really should just focus and finish the drawings on my list… I am feel really dumb getting affected by this so much since, after all you guys’ support here means there are people who indeed still interest in my works, and enjoy my contents while it last… So ye sorry for letting you guys down, I will try pick myself back up and work on drawings full speed now!~

Then a small side note, hey look! I just readhed 100k followers on pixiv! This is super kool and I never expect myself can get this many followers!~ Thanks again everyone for your support ^^




Ayy, congrats! You deserve every single one of those followers. I’m glad you’re feeling better now and I’m looking forward to your future works.


Slow people are slow, so beautiful work, fast people are fast, so it's good to have more work. Each person is certain of their own good points, so the rest is only their own direction.