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Fund by my friend ANIME4LIFU

Somehow feel like sketching, so instead of working on Kashino I decides to sketch another first instead.

This time the theme is gröup sex, but as I want a more dynamic angle for the drawing, I have no choice but to rotate the character quite a bit… I want the drawing to have a normal angle version but, due to pixel limitation I guess it’s best to leave it tilted as it is… Orz

Anyway, I always really like Bremmy’s design! It was really hard to decide which outfit to draw, her tennis outfit or Chinese dress… In the end ANIME4LIFU prefers this dress so we roll with this one.

For the gröup sex version, there is 2 versions available. Since ANIME4LIFU isn’t a fan of extremē stuff, so there will be a tone down human version.

As for the more ēxtreme version, this time the theme is zombiē sex! XD I always wanted to do this theme one more time before I have to stop drawing~ xD

Really went full crazy this time, especially on the final page I added parasitē idea, with holes all over her certain areas~ XDDD But don’t worry, there is a no-parasitē version, and if this is still too much, there is always the 5pages human version above… XD

Anyway hope you guys like the sketch so far!~~





Wow! It's a really good job. Even though it's not done yet (just the sketch), it looks great!


Thank you~ glad you like this so far!~~ Ah I see you change your username (σ゚∀゚)σ


Hell yeah, love it when you go all out with your drawings. The crazier the better, honestly. This next pack is looking to be one of your best, super hyped!




イラストに色がつくのが楽しみです~ ゾンビとのセックス!良いですね~

Frank Leo


