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Previous rant: https://www.patreon.com/posts/small-rant-01-16764583

So ah… some of you may remember my incident with this annoying client called LostSnake. So after so many years just when I thought I wouldn’t have to deal with him again? Almost 5 years after this a55hole strikes again. I included some screenshot proof of our conversation back from 5 years ago, since he is spreading fake stories about me on my twitter and facebook page. Although I don't want to publicly expose him, I want to at least show your guys my truth. If you don’t know anything about this incident, please do check out the previous rant, although it is quite a long read so please bear with me… XD

Anyways, yesterday I got a notification of a tweet with me tagged in it, it turns out LostSnake was calling me out for supposedly “violating our agreement”. He claimed that I uploaded the uncensored version of the parasite set without his permission, and apparently we had an imaginary agreement that I would not upload the uncensored version online. The agreement is only not to sell this pack on Gumroad, never once he mention on uncensored version back then! It turns out he also posted the same message on my Facebook, accompanied by an R18 screenshot. I deleted it immediately since I don’t want my FB page getting banned.

If you recall from the last rant, the agreement was to not sell his parasite pack on Gumroad, but even so I honestly didn’t have to listen to him at all. On my commission terms I clearly stated that, unless it is a private commission, I have the rights to use all my commissions any way I want. I wouldn’t need his permission even if I decided to upload the full original version online.

All that said, with LostSnake calling me out on Twitter I felt it was necessary for me to do an official response in both Chinese and English on my Twitter page, so this time he could not delete his message and I would have witnesses to back me up in this situation. (It’s on my twitter account, if you are interested you can go take a look~) But in his typical fashion, he ignored my well-constructed reply, and then tried to trick the fans that supported me on Twitter. He faked and twisted his story, painting me as an evil artist who bullied him or something. Most ridiculous of all is he made this conversation public on Twitter, yet now when just 2 fans replied to the situation he said I was using my 5000-follower fanbase to attack him. (What???)

In his replies to those fans he painted himself as a victim, saying how badly I supposedly treated and tricked him, while in reality it is the other way around. He thinks somehow me posting the uncensored version is my way of getting back at him, but in reality any commission works have the chance of having the uncensored version uploaded, because I myself dislike censorship. He talks as if I treated him badly, and ignores all the times he treated me like shit for months prior, which I even have proof of, for fuck sake. I just choose not to not upload it as to not publicly shame him. He also claims I insulted and looked down on other artist he hired, but in reality I was insulting him because he was trying to get a 40% discount after everything happened. Not to mention, as you guys know, self-confidence is something I lack, so why would I even look down on others?

I can’t believe after all these years I still have to deal with him, to the point where he threatened me today in a Facebook post, saying he will sue me in the future in International Federal Court, once his business is stable. (LOL?) On what? A commission that he said, in his own words, he gave up the ownership of, then begged for the final product?? (Which I have proof of as well!)

He now calls me a coward for not facing him one-on-one, simply because I blocked him back in 2017, but in reality we agreed after I gave him the pack we would never talk ever again. (So now he broke his promise for the 3rd time.) But at the same time yesterday morning he said I am too much of a pussy to face him out in the open, just when 2 fans replied he changed the subject again calling me scared of facing him privately… fucking make up your mind, ffs! I tried banning him on my facebook page, but sadly I am having no luck...

Anyways, since the fact that he said he wanted a private message so bad, I DMed him last night anyway. But despite my effort trying to remind him of all the shit he did and the truth, as well as me never agreeing on anything regarding the uncensored version, he goes on to curse me and bitch about me in the reply. Most ridiculous is with him saying since I keep saying the pack isn't his, I should fully refund him, despite I already drew everything... I think I am just going to delete the whole parasite set on my Pixiv, because I honestly don’t want anything to do with him anymore. With the drawing set being here, it just reminds me how much of an asshole he is, and how much shit I endure from this guy. Anyways, his last reply says stop messaging him, so I guess this whole thing is finally over…

Okay… sorry for long rant. You can believe my story, or believe his fake version. But either way, I thank you for making it so far and reading this full rant. If any of you want to check out the Twitter thread, here it is: https://twitter.com/ppshex/status/1368969455607279617

But please do not reply to his tweets to try to expose him, there is no point in trying to argue with a guy who is so delusional, it will only feed into his trolling and give him further opportunities to further play the victim. Despite I really want to defend myself against this prick, honestly I am just sick and tired of this guy. This whole situation reminds me of the frustration and trouble I went through years ago, and it is giving me headache causing me not sleeping too well last night. So I just hope things will be over asap...

Anyway have a good day guys, and thank you for sticking around!~




So unbelievable that this guy keeps showing his ugly head, I still remember the last post about this! That said, we've always got your back, chief. Hope he really is done for good, he really seems like a pain to deal with.

Corporal Tommy

What an asshole, actually calling him an asshole would be an insult to assholes. You are in right in this one and remember we have your back in this. And glad you got that off your chest. Better out than in.


there is no point in trying to argue with a guy who is so delusional !


Ikr! thank you for understanding me on this (;へ:)


IKR! and he goes on about how he worked with 20 other artist and I am the only bad person... Meanwhile I done 100+ commissions and he is the ONLY bad customer!。゜(`Д´)゜。 Ya I really hope I dont have to bother with this guy ever again....


At this point just block him and leave him. Don't waste your time on entitled drama queens like him.


Yea lets not waste out time on that degenerate. we have much better things to do. XD

Takuya Sawatari

Ugh, that fucker again? Yes, as other suggested, next time just block him. It's just harassment at this point. Also I wasn't aware that was the published parasite set. I thought it was another set that you shelved when he went nuts.


Sad thing is... I actually did block him, both facebook and pixiv. But this time, he calls me out on Twitter and my facebook page, tagging my name brought me to daylight, so I was forced to deal with this guy (; ̄Д ̄) Despite I really dont want to waste any more time on him, I feel like I really need to defend myself since he is making up fake stories to condemn me... It is such a annoying situation... hopefully it should be over now TwT


I already blocked him, but this is him directly attacking me on Twitter and my facebook art page instead, so I was forced to deal with this guy (; ̄Д ̄) The parasite set on pixiv is everything I drew for him, but in low resolution of course, since last time when I sell the 80% scale JPG version of parasite pack, he went nut and curse me for the whole day... but I never promised him anything regarding the uncensored version, since I post uncensored all the time anyway... sigh =3=


He's nothing more than a spoiled little shit; who'd probably jay-walk across a highway and then blame the drivers for not trying to avoid/watch out for him crossing it. (I.E Refuses responsibility let alone have a brain).

Frank Leo

Like I told you long-ago ... under the "International Commercial Law" , the BUYER owns the artwork which the BUYER paid the "commission fee" . As a friend, I warn you this over-n-over these years ... but you ignored and didn't care. You did the same with my commissions, and just "word-played" can called those are not "commissions" ( under the law, what is PAID is a Commission ) ... but also as a friend ( and because "as a friend" ) , I tolerated your actions on me; however, like I warned you over-n-over ... other costumers will not tolerate. This will actually get worse, more so when you listen to those telling you "it's okay" ( when it is not, and this is very serious ) ... you have to approach that former-client of yours, and solve this problem on both sides ( or it will turn much-much-more ugly ) .


First off, there is a difference between public commission, private commission and commercial commission. A normal commission is a BUYER buying the service for the artist to draw something the BUYER wants to see. But if you want to own the artwork so the artist lose the ownership, then you have to pay extra to make it a private commission in order to make it personal. Then if you are planning on merchandise the artwork you will have to pay another fee in order to do that. If simply giving a small sum of money, then you can own it, sell it, and make tons of profit of it, then this is very unfair to the artist, and basically indirectly killing the artist. Furthermore, these info are actually given by another pro artist when I first start doing commission. I asked her on what is the difference between a standard and a private commission, and this was her reply. On freelance websites like Fiverr and Freelancer, they include extra options for signing over rights if the seller so desires. On Fiverr it's a verbal agreement and on Freelancer they actually make you sign a contract. And on Skeb, the site clearly started all rights of the artwork belongs to the creator. If taking verbal prove in account, from the second of this client say he give up the ownership of this parasite set, he no longer owns it. Either way, I already showed him the terms when he was considering the commission, so when he paid he basically agreed to my terms and service. And since he never paid for a private commission service, I have full right to use the artwork in any way I want. And finally, this will not get worst because he backed off, and said he will not bother me ever again already. Also, "International Commercial Law" doesn't apply for art.

Frank Leo

Under the Law, a commission is a commission ... paid is paid. Continue to ignore the warning and keep word-playing ... this is my last time "piss you off" , I am done. Take care.


Exactly!! this guy is seriously annoying o(-`д´- 。) Thank you so much for understanding me...


Yes, law is law. Base on “the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988” came into force on 1 August 1989. The act does not make specific provisions for commissioned works, which means that copyright remains with the artist who created the work, unless a written agreement assigns copyright to someone else. You can read more at: https://www.dacs.org.uk/knowledge-base/factsheets/commissioned-works Also the law of "17 U.S. Code § 204. Execution of transfers of copyright ownership", if there is no mention of transferring copyright between the artist and client, all the rights will belong to the artist. Furthermore, the copyright laws/rules on these websites has legal effects. This is a service, you only paying the artist to draw, not paying for the ownership. This isn't a word-play, but literally how it works with all other artists as well, why else people will ask me regarding the price on Private or Commercial commission? The artist is not your employee, he does not work for you. This is just how art commission works. You can believe what you want, let’s just stop this convo here.