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Ah... So... previous writer don't have time to write anymore, so I am looking for a writer to help me with the English version story settings. If I cannot find any writer I will only do Chinese story settings from now on...

Basically I already have an idea and brief, all I need is a writer to help me expand the idea and write it with proper grammar and make it more detail. I prefer most things to stick with my brief, but you are welcome to suggest some ideas to improve the story etc. If you have been reading the previous stories, then you will kinda have an idea of what I am looking for.

Thank you for your time ><


Corporal Tommy

As much as I want to offer my help, I fear I am not good enough to write the stories. I might be able to help in editing any translated stories.

Frank Leo

I am okay with just Chinese ... in fact, you can just do it in the HK Cantonese dialect.


I am unsure of my original writing skills but I think I can do translation into english and editing.


I can write up the scenario and story in English, but my problem is the grammar and story structure itself, would you say you are comfortable with your grammar skill? 「(゚ペ)


I can write up the scenario and story in English, but my problem is the grammar and story structure itself, would you say you are comfortable with your grammar skill? 「(゚ペ)


I think my grammar and structure skills are fine for the job. I'm not a writer by trade but I can get the job done.


Thank you for your reply~ Amiruddin Sulaiman on the above comment already helped me proofread the writing I wrote, so that should be okay for now ^^


I can do proofreading for english, though I have my own style of English and you may consider wanting to check if you like the result.