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Since St.Louis started in December, I wanted to include it into this summary when I am done, so hence the delay… XD

Same as previous year, I end up didn’t draw as much as I wanted in 2020… There is quite a few gaps in the year where I can use those time to draw instead… (´;д;`)

This year I tried out some of the most difficult ideas, I am quite proud that I finish quite a few drawings with super complicated pose and background. Although it feels like my drawing speed has decrease quite a bit, overall I am quite happy with all the drawings I have done this year. Let me know which drawing is your favourite from 2020~!!

So… I manage to stall my parents to let me draw for another year, but there is no escaping it… Due to my lack of income, my parents have been pressuring me more into getting a proper job. So my current plan is to finish whatever commission and projects I owe, then I will stop patreon etc… Currently I am still considering if I will continue drawing or not, it’s a hard decision to make so I will let you guys know when the day comes…

I will also make a post on future artwork plan this week.

Lastly, thank you so much again for supporting useless me here. Despite my delays and lack of skill, with you guys always cheering me up it makes me able to convince myself to make more art I never imagine I could finish. It means so much to me, and I hope 2021’s artwork reach your expectation as well. ( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ )

For whatever times left of me drawing on this patreon, I hope the future works won’t disappoint you, and I will continue trying my best! Thank you!~ m(_ _)m



和前一年一樣,最終我2020年都沒我希望畫出多作品。這一年我浪費了太多時間了… (´;д;`)

這一年我嘗試了很多超難畫的圖,很高興可以完成到不少有困難姿勢和超複雜背景的圖。雖然感覺我繪圖速度又下降了,但整體來說我很滿意這一年的作品。告訴我2020年中你最喜歡哪張圖吧! !



最後,再次感謝大家一直的支持。雖然我的速度慢和畫也差,但大家都總是為我打氣,這給我能量去創作出更多作品。我希望2021年的作品也能達到大家的期望。( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ )

在剩下的時間,我希望以後的作品也不會讓你失望,我會繼續努力的!謝謝!~ m(_ _)m

A late art summary for 2020. (´•ω•`)



Frank Leo

我冇份講一個人要怎走人生。 我只能說,放棄自己都係唔放棄... choice係冇回頭。


This year you tried out some of the most difficult ideas, super complicated pose and background. oh ! born Wonderful... You should be very proud. Why should humanity's treasure ( that's you ) be oppressed by money ? dass tut mir leid.


Thanks~ Ye sadly my money situation isn’t too good… (´;Д;`)rz