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Ahhh… I wanted to finish this drawing before Christmas, so I can upload the 1910 pack on the day but… I under estimate the amount of work needed in this drawing…

At the moment working on their outfit, quite a lot of details to draw… I should be able to finish this before end of year >A<

For the table and chair the bottom looks very dark right now, forgive me on slacking a bit on the chair legs’ detail, since those area will be crop I don’t want to waste so much time shading those… maybe when the drawing is fully done I can go back and do some quick edit…



Takuya Sawatari

Hm, something about the shadow under the table bothers me. Maybe it's edges are too hard, or it's too dark? It's probably correct that way, just not very pleasing to look at. Other than that I think it looks great already.


Still nice work


I’d personally say they don’t need clothes! Haha, messing around of course. I find this drawing really quite hot despite the fact that it’s not very explicit. Maybe the casual nudity is getting me. Either way, fantastic work! Show those clothes who’s boss!

Frank Leo

very nice


I tone down the opacity of the shadow since you pointed it out~


haha XD thanks~ well I hope the clothes will make the drawing even better then (*^ω^*)


That looks like a relaxing afternoon teatime.