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So… I actually started sketching this right after the Baseball drawing, but due to me haven’t really draw anything new for a month, I have gotten super rusty and just struggling really hard on making this sketch work…

Like for the ass pose, I keep trying to find an angle that is different to Okita drawing, but at the same time doesn’t feel too similar to the Jeanne drawing…

And as for the bottom pose, it was just really really hard to think of what to do with her hands… took so many tries until I got something I am happy with.

Anyway, the core idea for this drawing is Surcouf doing a little exhibitionism play, as she walks around the beach bottomless in her sheer sarong, then some lotion squirt into her peehole, then force her to pee it back out lol

Man this drawing has like so many things to draw, hope this wont be too hard for me… ><

Anyway hope you guys like this~

Other pages: https://sta.sh/2uukq55i8w3




As always, even if you struggled a bit, it turned out great in the end! This is a fun idea, and I super love the pose on the ass shot. Hope it doesn’t give you too much trouble, already looking forward to this one!

Frank Leo



how come you struggle with every single drawing you make?^^


Because drawing is difficult, and I am simply not good enough as an artist... I wish I can just draw without worrying anything, but I always end up not liking the drawing and have to sketch many times until I am happy with it, hence my insane slow speed on drawings etc. In truth, I simply not aa good artist type, I am only trying to be one... and this is why I am actually considering if I should give up drawing for good... (´;д;`)


Thank you! glad you like this~⊂((・▽・))⊃ hopefully the end result will meet your expectation &gt;x&lt;


insert NEVER GIVE UP meme. haha . she look great! like it with her glasses on XD


thank you for your support~ glad you like this pic ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


I love the images on the left.