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Anonymous Commission

AH!!! Finally done with this drawing…

Man, transparent outfits are always kinda weird to colour, end up taking like 2 tries to get the feel I want…

But worst is the BG as expected… such bg I don’t even know where to even start… I keep finding myself procrastinating as I struggle to find a way to start on the BG…since at my current skill and limit of time there is no way I will draw the stadium 100% by hand… ultimately manage to find a good enough photo to use for the bg… Even so, it was quite a lot of editing here and there to make it usable…

I hope the final result looks good enough >A<

Other pages: https://sta.sh/21te2n30025u




Great job! A fine addition to that new I-pose trend that’s been going around. Also is it just me or did you draw her cervix a bit puffier than most other girls you draw? I like it! Glad it all worked out in the end, keep it up!


This is a great job! I absolutely love it!


Reno is super pretty yo. I also spotted the TM revolution enterprise in the background haha.

Takuya Sawatari

She looks absolutely gorgeous!


Dat is absolutely Beautifull Pose !~ Und You don't have to pay too much attention to BG.

Frank Leo

c oo L


Thank you~ (≡^∇^≡) haha indeed, such a coincidence that it is a trend right now XDD m... its more like i just trying to draw different types of prolpase kinda XDD glad you like it~

Corporal Tommy

I am guessing we be getting a story for Reno soon?


Kinda, but the story mainly focus on the next drawing instead 030


Whiever team she is cheering for, I'll gladly join this bandwagon xD