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It’s kinda crazy to think that… This sketch was actually done back in July lol XDDD

Anyway, next drawing to finish will be Reno.

Had a lot of fun colouring her nude body!~ Fixed quite a few areas along the way as well~

Man… The outfit will be quite tiring to do… but worst of all, I am soooo not looking forward to work on that background >A< wish me luck…




Nice job! And perfect timing with that new I-pose trend, haha. Best of luck with the background, no matter how much they give you trouble you always end up doing amazingly!


NICE !!!! Wowww

Frank Leo

'sta awe4some


I love the raised leg trend, even though I know this was not inspired by that, I still like it.


haha ya its a good trend, glad you like this \(^▽^)/