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Sigh… was hoping to finish another sketch by today, but instead, it looks like it will take some time…

At the moment I am in a very annoying situation… so basically, my 8 years old computer broke, and I was forced to finally switch to Win10 and get a new PC…

It sounds good at first, until I ran into this issue where the latest Wacom tablet driver doesn't work well with this old SAI software, making me have to test out and ultimately download a Dec.2018 driver…

Then after that something just feels off in my drawing… Don't know if it's my rustyness, my mood, or simply the Win10/driver again…

This whole thing just really tiring and I just really want to get back into drawing because I am super slow compare to my original schedule >A< Anyway I am gonna try either figure something out, or just have to get used to this new Win10 etc… Sorry to keep you guys waiting… 




Wow, that’s rough. Really sorry to hear, seems like you’ve had to deal with a lot. I really hope a solution presents itself soon, it’s unfortunate that this situation is hitting you right in your livelihood. Wishing you all the best!


Xd win10. But hey. At least u can play kojima walking simulator now.

Frank Leo

... look on the "bright" side, at least now your PC can run "Death Stranding" . ... the down-side of this is, your PC can run "Death Stranding" .


so bad "Win10" -_-


Lol true that... got the game for months and now finally get to play it lol, so far its quite fun~

Frank Leo

... your "delivery" time is still shorter than mine; of course, you still view the "job" , fun.