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Sorry for inactive… Been busy fixing a few drawings at once…

Sooo… this Atago X Takao drawing, its actually one of the work that I am super proud of, because the post was really difficult yet somehow the 2018 me was manage to pull this off quite nicely imo~

But even so, there are quite some noticeable errors in the drawing, and so I really want to go back and fix this drawing as I like it sooo much, but instead it turned into another complete redraw scenario XDDD

The big change such as their the head placement, bewb shape, the hair flow as they rest on the ground, arm length as well as hands+feet size…

On the new version I also redid the texture on the floor, as well as added some footprints to make it feel a bit more “public toilet” like XD

Hope you guys like this fix~

Other pages: https://sta.sh/2offucndssj




Ooh, this is from one of my favourite sets of yours! Love to see it improved like this, the dirtier floor really adds to the scene and Takao’s larger, darker nipples are great. Looking forward to seeing what else you have planned!


Gumroad の方も変更されているのですか?

Frank Leo



A couple of things, I like the old Atago image with her tongue sticking out, it looks more lewd. That said, I do like the other updates you made to it: The hair, especially Takao's looks more detailed and pretty, The shading on their skin feels more different, but most of them in a good way, and finally, the dirt and grime on the floor accentuates the vulgar, dirty scene playing out between the two girls.


僕は彼女たちのイラストでたくさんマスターベーションしました。 新しいイラストではこれまで以上にマスターベーションするでしょう!


Oh really? thanks~ glad you like this new version (´∇ノ`*)ノ


The tongue out is actually moved to page 3 instead of being on this page 2 version. and thanks, glad you like the new version o(^▽^)o


おお~本当ですか? それは嬉しいな~(*´▽`*)


ppshexさんのイラストで何度マスターベーションしたかわかりません( *´艸`) それはもう、ペニスが大喜びですよ。