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Really annoyed with my slow speed recently… don’t know why but I just keep having low motivation to draw, feeling bad about my art etc (;へ:)

Been feeling a bit emo recently, thinking about how bad I am at drawing etc… will just have to somehow regain my motivation… ・゜・(ノД`)

Anyway… So the poll result, “Prolapse theme” won! And so here you go~

Had quite a bit of fun sketching this, but as I start working on the background I just feel more and more unconfident about my art… anyway this is the final result kinda…(´Д`。)

Want to make it a doodle but in the end change plan and gave it proper lining and stuff, although the canvas size remains quite small so sorry about that… Anyway, hope you guys like this one~




I dunno why I was expecting the prolapse to be on the other side, but this works just as well, if not better because of the way we get to see it squish against the floor! Overall this is one of the best additions to this trend, in my opinion!






good job ah XD


very pog


luv it! wonderful picture, great facial expression, her boobs look glorious, as does her womb <3


I think the eyes look a little too far apart. But I still think it looks lovely and kinky, hehe.


now that you mention it... it does feel a bit far apart... it will be fix for the final release thanks( ゚▽゚)/