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So… I've been meaning to revisit this topic for a few days now, but as you guys know, I get really stressed when talking about this topic. ((´д`)) (Also some shiet happened recently, which affected my mood quite a bit and made me procrastinate more… sorz.)

As mentioned before, my parents are pressuring me to stop Patreon and find a proper job, so I have to stop content releases on this Patreon for 2020. However, I'll continue drawing until I catch up to the end of 2019 and people that pledged during 2019 will receive their content packs once they are finished.

I have decided to keep this Patreon for updates and WIPs for time being, but I was wondering which option you guys would prefer regarding the tiers.

a) Keep only one $1 tier for updates and WIPs.

b) Keep only one $3 tier for updates and WIPs.

c) Keep current tiers, but all tiers will only get updates and WIPs regardless of the value of the tier. No more content packs even if you pledge to a $5+ tier.


啊…幾天前一直想再次討論這個話題,但大家可能也知道,這話題真的很大壓力呢… ((´д`)) (最近也發生了一些事令我不太開心,所以令我更加在這話題上拖延…orz。)



a)只有$1等級, 更新和草稿用。

b)只有$3等級, 更新和草稿用。

c)保留現有等級,所有等級都只會看到更新和草稿用。 就算支援了等級1以上也不會再有得到任何的資源包。



Hm, I haven't voted yet. Since people can still contribute more than a tier's minimum, the $1 tier would be enough, right? Regardless of the result, I will not change my current amount for the time being, since losing this income all at once seems like a terrible financial blow for you.


oh my god




Voted, but no matter what happens, I’m going to keep my current pledge the same.


Voted, I'm still gonna pledge support as long as your art is about, buddy


ah thank you so much for being so nice to me (;へ:)