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So… a little late on the art summary this time around XD

I wanted to finish the Bismarck drawing and put it onto the December month since that’s when I started it, end up taking a lot longer than expected XD

2019, nothing much happen to be honest… Was very emotional from my mum’s surgery back in mid-year, but everything is mostly okay…

I have stall my parents quite a bit to let me draw longer, but due to my inability to draw fast, I end up getting really behind on my works and now my patreon is about 6 months late in content releases… I will soon decide on how to run this patreon in the upcoming days.

This year I did manage to try out on a lot of ideas, done a lot of stuff that I never experiment before~~ overall I am quite happy with the works I produced in 2019. Let me know which drawing is your favourite from 2019~!!

Lastly, thank you so much on the continuous support on useless me, it really means a lot to me >A< Thank you!~ m(_ _)m 




Always like seeing these art summaries, especially the year-to-year one! Hoping we'll get the 2002-2019 one soon. As for my favourite drawing of 2019? Probably the prolapse cake one from last month, though Bradamante being walked and bikini Raikou are definitely honourable mentions. Keep it up, man. We're with you in the new year!


素敵なイラストをいつもありがとうございます~ ppshexさんを支援していてよかったと思っています! これからもppshexさんを支援していきます!

Frank Leo

Thank You


Honestly, still want to see more of those kemono love. Hope you can have a new start on 2020, and many thanks for keep drawing!


Dear ppshex - don't call yourself or consider yourself "useless" - you really are an amazing Artist and I am sure you are also a kind person in real life as well. You really should give more credit to yourself. You really are a good person - and that is also why we are here and happy to support you.


Always God bless you, Dude !


cant wait for the new contents ah~ !


Thank you so much for your kind words ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )


ya sadly there isn't enough funding on that( ´_ノ` ) thank you for your support!


ご支援いつもありがとうございますー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


ah haha I kinda knew the cake will be your favourite one XD glad you enjoyed my works in 2019(=´∇`=)