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So… I have been avoiding this topic for a while… but since time is running out, it's better to get this out of the way as soon as possible.

As some of you guys may remember, the original plan was to stop drawing last year; but due to my laziness/procrastination and my inability to keep my Patreon up-to-date with regular content releases, I am currently at least 6 months behind on the content releases.

Currently, I only plan to release content up to December 2019, making my 2019 content packs my final ones on this Patreon account. In other words, I do not have any plans for any big content releases for 2020.

So here is something I want to ask you guys about: I have a couple ideas regarding what to do with my Patreon starting in February.

a.) Remove all tiers with the exception of one 1-3USD tier, patrons starting from February 2020 WILL NOT get any new content packs and will receive exclusive update posts only.

b.) Stop Patreon in February; people who pledged in 2019 will still receive content packs for the months they pledged for.

Please let me know your opinion on this and feel free to suggest any ideas you may have as well. I'll put up a poll in a few days with these two options as well as any that you guys may have on this post. Thank you for your input.




I will continue supporting you at the value of my current tier, content packs or not. I support your Patreon because I want to support your work, not for any sort of reward. No matter what happens, I'll be here to the end because I want to see you succeed. Still wishing you the best no matter what.


I think you should keep the account. You never know, maybe you'll be back again for giggles. But then again, it's still ultimately your choice. Never once regretted supporting you with my current tier. :]


I'll also stay here and keep on supporting you - even if you just release 1 picture a month it is worth it for me. ;)


I know I'll keep supporting you until the end. I've come this far and I figure it's the right thing to do by staying and supporting you. Maybe I'd tell you that you shouldn't give up, but I also want you to make your own choices too, so I'll always be here on the side if you need me. As for the delays, I'm okay with it, since whether now or later. I know you'll put out something great.


Keep your account. You have affordable tiers so even less frequent releases are okay. Please let us know if you are open to new commissions while you are transitioning away. It’s always sad when the world loses a talented artist, we hope you will find a way to come back!


Tut mir Leid. i think [A] Better. But I'want also stay here and Forever supporting you !




Dont stop patreon!. i will alwas support you ah!


私はppshexさんのイラストが好きで、新しい作品を見たいので、支援し続けます。 新しい作品が見れるのならば、いくらでも待ちます。 私は、ppshexさんがやりやすいやり方で「PATREON」を続けるのが最良の選択だと思います。

Frank Leo

just "pause" your Patreon, and re-activate when you feel you can manage


I've been thinking since yesterday, but I don't know which one to choose. I remember suggesting to you, to switch patreon to "per post" payments, so that you could keep drawing, at a leisurely pace, with no deadlines or pressure. That would still be my suggestion. You were afraid you couldn't keep visual quality high enough that way, but tbh, I still adore your old work from half a decade ago. Even if you became a bit rusty, and your future works were a bit less polished, I would still want to see them and continue supporting you.


thank you so much for always being so nice to me ヽ(●゚´Д`゚●)ノ゚


ご支援いつもありがとうございました 。゚ヽ(゚´Д`)ノ゚。


Ya I think I will pause/stop on the content packs for 2020, but keep patreon on low tier just for update for now (´;ω;`)


This could be a option when I start working, like... If I still draw after I get a job, I can do "per drawing" on patreon or something... I will give this a think thank you (´;︵;`)


i like that thought. and of course ill continue to pay you for what you have and what will be coming out. if theres a way i could kick something a bit extra at you when something new comes out, id really appreciate it, since im in a bit of a financial crunch. but as it is im happy to keep pledgeing, even if its just a bit for the content posts and WIP! (maybe a gofundme?)