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Patreon request from my friend ad-referendum (Frank Leo). 

First off, Early happy new year everyone!

Ah… it was only just now I realize, the last time I sketch anything new properly, was 2 months ago… no wonder why I feel super rusty >A< this is making me feel a little art block atm, so bear with my slow speed for now, I will try my best and get things back up to speed!

This drawing isn’t that complicated at all, the character and pose itself is kinda straight forward. Yet, this took me way more time than it should… Except on drawing to draw flowy hair though, I did spend quite a long time drawing it since I rarely do this kind of thing… I hope it looks pretty enough >3<

The idea on this is having Bismarck giving a toast with Commander (the viewer), while celebrating New Year on a ship party watching fireworks together.

Second version will have her wearing a see-through lace dress. Originally I wanted to draw my own lace pattern, but then I realize due to my lack of lace fashion knowledge, I cannot draw anything that looks pretty at all.

I tried so hard to find a good lace pattern but I can hardly find anything at all >A< so please let me know if this current lace works fine, or if you guys have any better lace texture for me to use please send it over >A<!! Or if simply this lace dress looks bad, let me know what you think so I can scrap this idea completely…

Man.. This drawing's bg is gonna be a real pain to do Orz...

Lastly there is a prolapse version as well: https://sta.sh/02cr3motzooe




Good to see another new sketch from you! I think the lace design looks fine, but of course I'm no expert. Regardless, happy New Year, PP! Hope you have a good one!

Frank Leo

looks cool


レースのデザインはいいと思います~ 衣装に色がつくと印象が変わるかもしれません。 ちょっとした私のアイデアですが、衣装の乳首の部分とか、局部の部分とかに穴、もしくはスリットを設けるのはいかがでしょうか?あるいは、そこから子宮を出してみてもいいかもしれません^^


コメントありがとう~o(´∀`*) スリット??レースのドレスですか?


お返事、ありがとうございます。 レースのドレスですね。 穴あきランジェリーのような感じです( *´艸`)


https://sta.sh/0gl1b37elk4 これはどうですか? ただドレスだから、下半身の部分に穴は難しいですね。「(゚ペ)


良いと思います! ppshexさんのおっしゃる通り、下半身の部分に穴をあけるのは難しいですね。 正しい判断だと思います。