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Animated by Pixiv friend: Working slave

Wahhh! I am so happy to see this drawing get animated~!! He listened to so many of my nit pickings, and manage to produce such amazing animation!!! ( ノ^ω^)ノ゚

I am super happy on the result~~! The way her bewb bounce, the expression, the motion on hair, and the subtle movement on vagina as the dildo inserts inside… overall it’s just really nicely done!~(*´꒳`*)


 My favourite has to be the prolapse version, the faster motion, and the way the prolapse squish just purely amazing!!~(≧∇≦*) 

I am super happy on the result, thank you to working slave again for such amazing animation!~ I hope you guys will like this as well~ヾ(^∇^)

As for the release on this animation, what will you guys prefer? Should it be included in the older content pack which features this drawing? Or inside future release content pack? Or separate sold on Gumroad?

Lastly… Sigh… been moving to the new flat today… room is much smaller but it doesn’t quite bother me that much… but man… so much shit to move and it is shit tiring =w=

If I didn’t have to move I would’ve finish the Raikou drawing by yesterday… anyway, the drawing will hopefully be done early next week! Thank you for your patient. 




Man, he really did your gorgeous art justice. It’s great to see it in motion! Hopefully you two can collaborate more in the future. Also, good luck on your move!


Good to see you carrying momentum on your work, think you'll have others animated as well ? As for the release, i think it'd be nice if it was packed with the old ones to keep em together ?

Frank Leo

very nice


nah, momentum is slow atm... have to really force myself to focus in after all these holiday shiettt! ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧ m... Should I add it into the old release but charge small extra amount to balance the price a bit compare to other packs, or give it out for free in the same pack? hm...


Fabulous, simply fabulous! That is all, oh and the prolapse version? Marvelous.