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So after Cleveland this is the next drawing~

Had quite a lot of fun drawing these 3 characters for the past few days, had to fix a few small things but overall it wasn’t too hard of a job…

Unlike last year’s shietty drawing, this time I added reflection on the tray to make it look prettier~~

Took quite a bit of time to line those frills, gosh I don’t like drawing outfits XDDD

Although I feel a bit sad I didn’t make the canvas bigger… it is currently around 2700px height, but I wished I made it something like 3000px or 3200px… but it’s too late to change now… it should still look good so don’t worry >A<

Will work on the background next then hopefully get it finished by Monday night~~




It’s really coming together nicely! Really excited for this one, I just know it’ll be great.

Frank Leo

epic cool and nice




They look cute! For the bigger canvas size I can only say: I told you! (Many times actually)


thank you~ and lol stop being mean to me.. 」( ̄▽ ̄」) its kinda annoying to work in big canvas sometimes... since the software limitation and brush size etc XDDD o well XD