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Sigh…Sorry for slacking for so long…

Finally got something that I am happy with… Been procrastinating and working on this drawing for the past few days… Got very stuck on what kind of feel I want for this drawing…

After struggling for a bit more I finally got something down yesterday, and proceed to work on these annoying detail armour lol

Sorry for this drawing not being anything lewd, but I always want to do a drawing with Jeanne Alter in full armour just looking super badass >A<

Background will be a huge biatch to do on this drawing though…oh well will just have to force myself to do it somehow…

I hope you guys like this sketch… Sorry again for being so inactive recently…

Gonna try push through artblock and start on another new drawing tonight >x<




Looks great! Although the skulls look like a pain in the butt to draw.


Looks like the effort was worth it, though. Looking good!


thanksー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ ye... will have to just work something out next week when i start colouring this...


ya... took so many tries to finally get something I am happy with... Thank you ∩(︶▽︶)∩


And here i thought it would be her servant fest outfit cuz that summer dress looks good and sexy kek


haha I thought about the fes bikini, but in the end I just REALLY REALLY want to draw her in armour first XDD so thats why I went with this XDD




She looks awesome. It's fine to throw in a tamer drawing from time to time. You added a nude full body version, so I'm perfectly happy XD

Frank Leo

looks very nice


could you do a version in which her prolapse hangs out between her legs? ;)


Sorry to disappoint... but like Jeanne, JAlter is a character which I do not plan to draw prolapse on her... just feel like it doesn't suit her character... sorry ໒( •́ ∧ •̀ )७