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It has been a while since the last update…

First off. I have been thinking on doing a update post past few months regarding my current situation, when to stop drawing etc; but I am always not in the mood and keep avoiding it, and now I am going to put it on hold again and probably do that post some when late of this month. The current situation is that I talked to my dad and let him know my current plan is to finish up to July content pack, and after that I probably will stop. More detail will be in the post coming in future.

Next up. I want to apologize my lack of speed and consistency on drawing recently… I don’t know why but ever since start of 2019 I began to feel rusty, and just always not sure how to even draw… Often I find myself trying to get the pose or drawing just exactly the way I want, and making myself drawing over and over again on the same pose until I get something that I am happy with… Perhaps it is the pressure of knowing I don’t have much time left to draw that makes me want to create the best works as possible for time being, which just really slows down my workflow… not to mention somehow I am very insecure with my works these days, which also factors into my slow speed… Just don't want to disappoint you guys >< Yesterday and today I have been trying to make new sketches, but due to artblock I find myself continuously procrastinating. I will try break out this loop and produce some new sketches very soon!

Lastly just a small personal struggle info… This year my mum isn’t feeling too well. As some of you guys might remember from the descriptions in drawings, I have to go hospital with mum etc, and it is only 2 weeks ago that dad told me that Mum actually has womb cancer. Mum always trying to hide it from me for some reason, not telling me any details at all, so I only know it so long after… Yesterday she went hospital for some checking, but instead doctor realize there are other problem related to liver and heart etc, which makes her needing to stay in hospital even longer… its really annoying and in a way it is making me a bit down recently… so bear with me for working so slow…

On a bright side, I recently got Maou Nobu on FGO with ease, so definitely will draw her in future O(≧∇≦)O

So ya, that’s about it for now, thanks for reading.




I can't imagine what you have been feeling but let me tell you this, we are here for you, I am at least, and I've said this in the past and I'll say it again, if you need time to face this part of your life, feel free to do it, even if you end up posting a drawing every 3 months. I believe everyone of your patrons will also say the same way. I personally believe you shouldn't stop what you are doing, you can pause, get some time, but stop? you clearly like what you do, we can see that on your drawings. I also wish everything goes better from now on, with you, your family and specially your mother *virtual hug*


I am feeling okay, just a little worry for now, but hopefully things will be fine for mum... As for the drawing thing, will discuss further on the next update post etc 030 Thank you so much for your kind words (´・∀・`) *hug


That really sucks with your mom.. I hope it is nothing serious and that she will be fine...


All the best on what you're going through now, your family still does take priority over work so it's understandable. Take your time, and best of luck


Shit, I hope that cancer was discovered early enough to be effectively treated. I can't give any other advice than keep your nerves and stay strong. Feel free to message me anytime.


Due to various realistic pressures, the Earth may lose one of the greatest artists of the century. This is a great tragedy. He is in danger. But all of the remaining here are powerful fighters who have a passion for him. Believe it! If he doesn't give up, we won't leave either. Worry is bad for the body! I'm sure everything will go well with him.




私は、ppshexさんができる限り長くイラストを描くことができるように願っています。 もっと、ppshexさんの素敵なイラストを見てみたいです! ppshexさんのお母様の病気がよくなりますようにm(__)m ppshexさんのご家族に素晴らしいことが起こりますように。


Mum refuse to tell me much about it... All I know is that she will have surgery end of this month(not August anymore), so fingers crossed and hope everything goes well for her ( ´•̥ו̥` ) thank you for the support


メッセージありがとうございます!~ (ˊ̥̥̥̥̥ ³ ˋ̥̥̥̥̥)