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Finally got some new sketch done… Will try finish 1 new drawing in this week >x</

First, this is Semiramis from Fate, 15th on my FGO ranking board XD

I always really like how confident and powerful she looks, so decided to do a low angle cross leg pose with her sitting in her throne~~

Originally I was going to give her clothing, but in the end I thought this drawing will look prettier if full nude~ (Totally not me being lazy on drawing complicated dress XDDD) what do you think? Should I give her a clothed version as well? Please drop your thoughts in comments 030/

Since it is a close leg pose with her legs tight, I can’t give her a Prolapse version as well.. o well..




She looks great. Well, with the amount of confidence she projects, I guess she doesn't really need clothing.


haha I thought the same as well ⊂((・▽・))⊃ glad you like this~


Love it! Nude is fine ^^


Nude is great! Maybe she can squeezes her Prolapse... by crossing the legs. That might be fun lol.


I thought about it, but due to her left thigh pointing inwards, even if squeezing her prolapse, it will not be visible I think, so I guess will just skip prolapse version this time (゜▽゜;)

Frank Leo

finally, a not chun li ... coo L


Great Queen, a Queen of Glorious confidence Doesn't need clothes !


Gotta love that sitting pose, slutty and sophisticated at the same time.

