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Hi everyone..

Just want to make a post to apologize for the lack of contents and slow speed recently… I don’t know is it just me got bad on drawing, or the drawing is too hard, or I set too high goals, or I lost my confidence these days… These days it always takes me a lot of tries until I am satisfy with the drawing…

I have been working hard past 2 days on 2 new sketches, hopefully I will have something to show in the upcoming days… Thank you for your patient and understanding… m(_ _)m 




Don't feel pressured. If you can come up with a picture that will satisfy you yourself, that's enough. I'll support For Dr.Ppshex at any time.

Frank Leo

take your time


We all have those times before where we feel like we could do better. Don't feel rushed that you have something to prove, what matters more is you don't burn out yourself doing things. Wish you the best of luck




I don't think you got worse. It's more likely that you keep setting higher standards for yourself. Which has a good and a bad side. On one hand it's great that you want to create the best art you possibly can, on the other hand it's bad that you get frustrated by the slow pace. The creator's point of view amplifies tiny flaws into absolute show-stoppers. The same thing happens to me with my 3D stuff too. I often need to force myself to release works full of flaws, because I wouldn't get done with it months later otherwise. But casual viewers often like them the same as the works I think are much better. Judging by our discussions about your old works, which I all love, you could probably release a lot of drawings that your followers would judge as amazing, even if to you they're full of flaws. I'm not sure what strategy would be best for you. I'm patient when I know that I will get to see great stuff from you, so no rush from my side. You should be happy with your own work too, but please don't burn yourself out.




Another friend of mine say the same thing, I hope thats really the case... anyway thanks for understanding o(;△;)o