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I was meant to be super rusty but somehow I manage to finish 2 high quality sketches super-fast in those 2 days last week, I already knew something isn’t right…

Welp… here I am struggle super hard on this drawing… XD

So this is a sketch of Yu Miaoyi, my favourite Chinese servant in FGO~~ Wanted to draw her in a badass pose kinda, a slight low angle shot looking up at her along with her noble phantasm in the background.

End up really struggling for what pose to draw on her, took like 8 different attempts to finally settle on this body/pose… (it’s a bit boring but it’s the only one that work best Orz…) 

Due to preference, I drew her bewb and hips slightly bigger, but haven’t go full crazy and make the character unrecognizable so hopefully its fine… also her thighs will look just a bit wider due to the low angle shot.

Hope you guys like this.

Originally I wanted to give her some piercings and a prolɐpsed version, but due to the theme and background I just don’t see how this will fit at all… and so this time there won’t be any prolɐpsed version 030 (although a prolɐpsed will work really well with this outfit but o well =w= )




The pose turned out nice~


Looks nice!


Chest size looks fine =w= thou thighs look quite thick :p

Frank Leo

very nic e




Glory forever ! The greatest Nude in world history. ....Und It's pain without a prolɐpsed Version, but Nude piercing will save us.


ya the low angle kinda make her thigh thicker xD also i want just a little bit more meat on her than original version, just a little bit.. ⊂((・▽・))⊃


haha thanks 〔´∇`〕 not sure if I will draw piercing version on her though (๑꒪▿꒪)*