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Thank you for the messages~ I am mostly recovered from sickness, so now need to get back into drawings ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Since the Padoru doodle reached its goal on the 10+likes, I have now properly finished this drawing ( ゚▽゚)/

Got criticized by my mum saying it is April yet I am drawing a Xmas drawing lol…. Well…it is 257days until the next Padoru day! So I guess you guys can use this drawing again in 257days time? XD

This time there isn’t any expression change, as I think this expression suits both clothed and nude version..

I always wanted to draw Nero with a prolɐpsed, but I really can't see how a prolɐpsed will fit in this drawing, so maybe next time~

This is quite a cute and fun drawing to do~ not too complicated or anything, so it is good to help me try get back the motivation in drawing~ I hope you guys like this drawing~




Glad you're feeling better~


Wonderful pic and glad to hear that you're being better :)


Nero is really cute in that drawing!~ Glad to hear you're feeling better~~


Awesome! I'm glad you finished it. She is super cute. And good to hear that you're better again.


Oh gosh, it's a blessing that he's recovered. Und ich liebe dass Nude Version, Danke !

Frank Leo

looks nice


かわいい( *´艸`)


A happy, jolly Christmas, I'd say xD