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Start from tomorrow, I will be arrive for 8days due to my guardian’s visit to Hong Kong, which means I will barely get any chance to draw and that really sucks…

So I wanted to try getting this drawing finish before tomorrow, but sadly I failed as this drawing was a lot more difficult than I expected…

Colouring the character herself was simple, the transparency of her dress wasn’t hard to do either, but it was the pattern on her stockings and gloves (also the snowflakes) which took me ages to do… Initially I thought of just snapping some online texture on the laces, but in the end I end up hand drawing it bit by bit which made it very time consuming… I also took a long time on the snowflakes to get its shapes right… quite a annoying process..

So ya.. unfortunately due to all the funeral stuff happening, I didn’t get to work much this week… and I am sorry I couldn’t get any new drawing finish… Orz..

Anyway.. see you guys in a week time.. take care 030/




Looks good!


Transparent clothes are sexy~

Frank Leo



残念だ。彼はいつも台風に苦しんでいますね。でも今日もWIPはとても素敵です Danke !


台風?ごめんなさい、どういう意味ですか? WIP気に入れてくれて嬉しいです~(⌒▽⌒)