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Patreon request from my friend ad-referendum (Frank Leo). 

Sigh… Due to Chinese New Year last week, then also my granddad went into hospital (who I dislike… meh I barely know him and he never tries to interact with me even I tried so many times, so meh), I got drag out almost every day for the whole week… Barely has any time to draw… on top of that I was already a bit rusty… so last week was a really bad week for drawing Orz…

Anyway… This is NOT CHUN LI, but a new character from FGO latest chapter LostBelt3 –SIN-, named Qin Liangyu~ Originally I don’t really like the character art much, the design looks interesting but the pose on the drawing feels a bit stiff?? But after actually getting the character, as well as seeing the final ascension art, I found her to be pretty cute~~

Most fanart I seen people drawn on this character are kinda like kungfu pose, since I never done kungfu pose before I thought might as well try it. But instead of copy others completely, I thought to try draw it in a slightly lower angle so it will focus more on her legs~~

Unlike the Meltlilith drawing 2 years ago (which also has a leg focus pose), this drawing will have a full nude version!~ there will also be a version where the bottom part of the outfit be completely removed, her pelvis area will be expose~~




I hope l this week will be better for drawing. I quite like the drawing and variation~

Frank Leo

Chun Li ~~~ awesome, but hated the prolɐpsed version


Great job! Love the prolapse version.


Great pose!


Wonderful pose :D great prolapse <3


Of course! Have you still Beautiful Line! and, i Agree Making prolapse motion. The Dark Force bless Prolapse!


Sadly next week will be annoying again... have to attend granddad's funeral... then guardian coming over to HK the week after which takes my whole week off drawing.... =w= anyway I am glad you like this drawing~


haha XD thanks, ye that's why there is a non-prolɐpsed version~( ゚▽゚)/


Looks really good! Love the Prolapse in Motion. Do you already have some upcoming drawings with your new Prolapse ideas, like Cervix spreading and inside womb views? ;)


thanks~ glad you like this~ check out the latest post ⊂((・▽・))⊃


素晴らしいポーズです! 彼女の子宮にしゃぶりつきたい(*´Д`)


I love this pose, like, you have no idea how much so.