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TIER 1 – 4 drawings, total of 16 pictures in JPG format  

TIER 2 – 5 Extra images in PNG format  

TIER 3 – 8 Extra images. 4 SAI files.

Pack includes: 

•Commission - Mizuki Skimpy armour design

•HP2 character sheet

•Mizuki - Birthday Cake

•Inuyama Aoi

Content pack should be sent to your inbox now. (only for those who has been confirmed as paid)

Sorry that there is another big delay.. As mention before, due to my slow speed from now on all content packs will be delay about a month or so, and I will try my best to keep the quality of works as high as I possibly can provide~!

I am also sorry that this month’s content pack seems a bit lacking, I promise next month’s content pack will have at least 1 story set!!!~

Thank you so much again for your support, hope you will enjoy this content pack ヾ(^∇^)  




It's an awesome pack! Don't worry, it's not lacking at all. Personally I'm completely happy with it.

Frank Leo

ᴠᴇŘʏ ŇɪᴄĚ - ŤʜᴀŇᴋ ÝᴏŮ


It has my commission in it, so I’m satisfied regardless.




舊的資源包只可以在我的gumroad上購買: gumroad.com/ppshex