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Yuru camp is my favourite anime from the Winter season of this year, and I wanted to draw this for soo sooooo long!!! ( >з<)♡

My favourite character from this anime is actually Nadeshiko, but she is way too cute and funny to have any sexy picture featuring her XDD  so instead I draw my second favourite girl Aoi!~

First thing that makes me like Aoi a lot is her accent!~ there is something about kansai accent that just makes anime girls really cute XD Andddd then episode 5 hit me, when she reveals what she was hiding in her outfit all along… that HUGE pair of happiness!! Damm I am fuking sold! Definitely drawing her!!!!!! (but then due to shiets I push this drawing all the way until now……) (●♡∀♡)

Anyway, as Yuru camp is a camping anime, I thought it will be a nice idea to draw Aoi having some fun while she is camping alone~~ At night in some countryside area, who will expect a cow-tit naked girl walking under street lights heh??~ ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

Got to say after not been sketching anything new for a whole month, made me quite rusty… especially when this drawing’s angle was already hard to draw, I took ages to get this drawing looking right… It was also a challenge on trying to make her doesn’t look too mature but also not too loli….

Due to holding the camera, there is no way she can take a picture with her whole legs in frame as well, so in the end the drawing has to crop like this. I thought about including her right arm in the full body version, but then I realize it just won’t work since we are actually seeing through the camera here… so the full body version her arm will still be cropped sorry.. ( ;∀;)




Continuing previous, 2B in Commander clothes?


ehh?? havent really consider that... hm.. probably no, think it will be better to just draw commander instead since there is barely any drawing of her online lol but this will depends when I feel like it kinda XD


She’s got wonderful “assets” to her name xD

Frank Leo
