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 Patreon request from my friend Druže. 

Next drawing to finish is Tamamo~~

Had tons of fun drawing her bewbs, the way it rest on the surface is just so much fun to draw~!!ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧

Struggled quite a bit on the bg, as originally I want to do a non-sky beach scene, but instead it just felt really empty… another option I consider was swimming pool, but in the end I feel it will look better if her bewb is partially submerged in water~ ( ◞・౪・)

Tried to add more effects on the ocean this time, making it feel a lot prettier etc~

Hope you guys like this drawing~(≧∇≦)/


Sorry for kinda slow progress in drawing recently… in truth is that past month or 2, I have been in semi artblock and bad mood.. but that will be another story for another time… maybe a rant post next month?? Since it has been a while I did one lol
