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Sorry for slow updates… 

Took a lot longer than I expected on this drawing... originally plan to finish 2 drawing this week, but then RL stuff happen so only 1 drawing done… oh well ┐(´ ∀`)┌

After finish colouring the outfit I realize her head dress was too “tall”, so I resketch and fix the height of the head dress. It was also a bit difficult to colour her body, as the first try didn’t look as good I redo her whole body until I am finally happy with it.

I also tried making her outfit have a more transparent feel this time around, on areas like bewbs and ass I add some skin colour on it so it will give off the effect~ although the red highlights effects now kinda make it unnoticeable XD

As for the background I really struggled on what to do for it, after searching for references in the end I did this floor background, was quite a pain to do (‘A` )

As mention before this drawing is planned to be the front cover for the artbook doujinshi, personally I am quite happy with the result~ It shows how sexy Scathach is, with her skin tight bodysuit and showing off her nice body~~ I hope you guys like this too~ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
