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Having an artblock atm so I don’t have any new sketches to show for now… Instead, lemme show you guys something kool!~

My friend Druže really liked the DSR-50 dakimakura design, especially the prolɐpse version!~ and so he got this printed out as a dakimakura to make him sleep better d=(´ ▽`)=b

This is my first time seeing my work properly printed as a dakimakura, and I got to say I am super happy about this!~ It’s good that he is also really happy with it o(≧∇≦o)




It is a pretty hot pic after all. No doubt if you drew more daki designs then even more people would have them printed out

Frank Leo

... NEXT, a dakimakura of your selfie pic's.


Thank you (*≧▽≦) I will be doing another one some time this summer, hopefully you guys will like it~ ( ゚▽゚)/


LOL I don't plan to make my supporters puke (・∀・;)


I want to have one like this kind, but, no, I can't let my roommate see this.


That's too bad XD I want one too but parents won't let me, plus my bed is quite small so its better I dont have one ( ´_ノ` )


So... this is like, real merchandise or something?


There are companies that print custom dakimakura with pictures you send them.


Too bad you can't get one yourself. There is a printing company that prints them directly in Hong Kong. Wish I could get a Mizuki dakimakura printed. Unfortunately the companies that print them all seem to be in Asia, so I might have to pick it up at the customs office and explain to them the purpose of the item, lol.


Even if I can print one for myself I will never use my own drawings XD Sadly for me whenever I see my own drawings, all I can see is how I drew it, and where I can improve it etc lol My friend got his one printed out in USA if I recall right (ノ ゜▽゜) and what Mizuki dakimakura?? not the super old one right??? (((( ;°Д°))))