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Patreon request from my friend ad-referendum (Frank Leo). 

So…. After like 2 weeks, a proper new drawing yay!! _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_

Sorry for taking so long… If I didn’t keep getting distracted by fixing older works, I could’ve finished this last week…( ´ _ノ` )

Sigh… Although this picture set has a lot of fun ideas, I cannot deny part of me actually regret drawing so many pages on this set. From original 25 pages all the way to 63 pages now…((´ д`))

At first I was going to go full power on drawing again today, but I really need to take a break as my hands was hurting badly due to drawing too much past 3 days (っ- ‸ – ς)

I guess I won’t be working any big picture set anytime soon… too tiring both physically and mentally XD

(also because need to start working on more drawings for the doujinshi thingy)

Anyway, I really hope you guys enjoy this set…




wonderful stuff, me likey :3

Frank Leo

rest well and take your time ... and you don't have to make that many pages


thanks~ ye I just thought it was a good idea XD o well despite it is quite tiring, I did have fun so its all good~( ゚▽゚)

Frank Leo

it is a good idea, but not at the expense of your health and well-being