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So as I was sending out some old content for this month’s requests, I saw this drawing.

I really like this drawing but same with the other old ones, her face really bothers me. It makes me feel like just because my lack of refinement on the face, it ruin the drawing…( ´ _ノ` )

So before I went to bed last night I decided to tweak this drawing… What originally thought is a 30minutes job, due to relining her hair and face, re-shading her hair, turned out to be 1hour+ job XD here goes my so call going to sleep earlier last night, end up sleeping at 5am……. ┐(´ ∀`)┌

Anyway, with a bit more work this morning, now all pages are fixed and ShibuyaRin got the justice she deserve~~ ( ᐛ )و

And as usual, if there is new update, there is going to be a bonus prolɐpsed version XDDD

Hope you guys like this~



Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-18 17:36:19 She's super pretty <3 love the page!
2018-04-13 15:55:30 She's super pretty <3 love the page!

She's super pretty <3 love the page!