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I really like this drawing idea, but sadly there is a few mistakes I made back then we I was drawing this, so now gonna try fix all those problem to make this drawing more “complete”.

First is BB’s face, I didn’t like her old expression much so I adjust her face as well as her old pointy chins. Then I also adjust the height of ear and right eye for Passionlip, her forearm being slightly too long is also fixed. I also recolour their eyes and slightly adjust some of the colour detail on their hair to make the drawing look better~

Last and finally I redrew their feet to better proportion, as the the old version it was too slender and long making the feet look quite bad.

It won’t be 2018’s PP if I don’t have a bonus prolɐpsed version right?? XD 

Hope you guys like this~




Wanted to ask: do you do commissions again, or not in post-douchenozzle world?


hm.. Commissions are not open at the moment. If you interest you can try tell me what you have in mind for the commission, and if I find it very interesting I can reserve you a slot~ (preferably fanarts though)


Got it? Need to post it here? Or silence is "nope"?