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Patreon request from my friend ad-referendum (Frank Leo). 

As I am not used to drawing l0li, I struggled quite a bit on this sketch… Took 2 tries to finally get something I am happy with.. (゜▽゜;)

This is the full body version without the tentacles, I am currently working on the tentacle version sketches which hopefully be ready to show you guys in the next 1-2 days!~ ( ゚▽゚)/

Lastly, I want to say a HUGE sorry about the March content pack, due to the 2 weeks away early this month and the rustiness that come after, I do not have enough drawings to release the March content pack next week, and so there will be slight 1-2 weeks delay. I do not want to sacrifice quality to rush work, this tentacle pack will have 50 pages and I will try my best to deliver my best quality work!~ thanks for understanding!!~ m(_ _)m
