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Originally this drawing is planned to be my celebration drawing for my Pixiv 20k follower, but after sketching I prefer her hand sign like that so I might use this for 30k celebration instead. ┐(´ ∇`)┌

Now have to think of what kind of pose to do for the 20k fo drawing… any suggestions? 「(゚ペ)

It has been quite some time since I draw Mizuki… I have wanted to draw her for quite a while but too many other things get in the way XD

Gosh this is such a challenging pose to draw… especially with how rusty I am currently, this drawing took extra time to get right…Ɛ =((´ д`))

I also wasn’t quite sure if this pose suits Mizuki or not… but my friend say she looks amazing like this so I guess this should be fine..

Anyway I hope you guys like this drawing~( ´ ▽ ` )ノ




For the 20k, what about drawing her sitting or laying down, and spreading her pussy with two fingers, like in this picture <a href="https://simg3.gelbooru.com//images/9d/60/9d601208926004b085d4baa57c1fc9c1.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://simg3.gelbooru.com//images/9d/60/9d601208926004b085d4baa57c1fc9c1.jpg</a> . 2 fingers for 20k lol


GOOD IDEA!!((*•̀ᴗ•́*) why didn't I think of this XDDD thank you for the idea!~~ It has been a while since I draw Mizuki spreading her pussy so this idea is perfect!~ (*≧∀≦*)


Nice pose. She looks great. Well, you know that I'm always happy to see more Mizuki! XD Hard to say what pose would be good for the 20k.

Frank Leo

This pose is cool, I like the design ... please remind me to use this pose as a reference for the future commissions.