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I am very sorry for being away... and thank you so much for sticking around despite me being super inactive…(´;ω;`)

But ya I am back now!!~ (´・ω・` )

After being away for 2 weeks I gone quite rusty and struggle a lot on drawing… I decided to colour and finish this Meltlilith drawing first. ( ´△`)

This took quite a few extra hours to complete due to my rustiness, and I tried really hard to make it look as good as the drawings a month ago… Hopefully you guys like how this drawing turned out (;´ Д` )

For this week I plan to do mostly sketches for new drawings, and hopefully I will get back into shape faster this way...   ヾ(・ω・;)




Welcome back! She looks good. Doesn't look like you've gotten that rusty.

Nomake Wan

Welcome back! You let us know what was going on so I don't think anyone was expecting updates. Glad to have you back though!

Frank Leo

Thank you


Welcome back~


Hope you had fun on your vacation thing. Anyway, I would have liked more bubble in her butt, but it still looks beautiful, and complements your last meltlilith piece pretty well too.


I had tons of fun, thank you( ^ω^) more bubble? as in bigger butt?