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Here is a comparison GIF to show the difference between the old version and remaster version. ( ゚▽゚)/

Honestly back in the days when I draw this picture I really liked the idea, and I feel a bit sad that people didn’t “liked” the picture as I imagined..

Last year when I look back I can already tell there is something wrong with this old drawing but couldn’t figure out how to fix it. And now here I realize… the old drawing was just BAD!!! XDDD

Anyway, hopefully you guys will prefer the new version more (*^ω^*)




Why did you make her look older? She looks less innocent now. But, well, the new version looks better in every other aspect. Edit: Stupid comment system sending comments when you press enter.

Frank Leo



The drawing original idea is to make her look sad and give a dark (even a little depress) feeling… instead of innocent (´ ∀`;) The idea is to show the tragedy the character been through or how she about to meet her sad end, ofc until the main character save her that is lol Anyway thanks~