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So first up, this month’s content pack might be delay. If you have been checking on last week’s posts, as you know I suffer from artblock last week, as well as a weird sickness which made me have to go see doctors few times last week. Good news is that the sickness is getting better now, as well as today I also made 2 new sketches, which is a good scene my artblock is fading away. But because of this, now I am half way down February, with only “Belfast Valentine” drawing done, and combine with all the Chinese New year stuff goes on in upcoming week, I don’t think I can be fast enough to produce enough work with high quality before end of this month. So it is highly likely that this month will have less ambitious drawings/project, and the pack will be delay a week into March (possibly mid-March). Sorry about the inconvenience.

On top of this, early March I will be away for 10days (family stuff), so next month pack will highly likely also be delay. And all this I will try catch up in April, hopefully bringing everything back to the normal release time.

Lastly, this is a decision I made regarding one of my old projects. As some of you might know I have these story packs, and one of them I planned to do early this year was “Kemono Love”. After the poll of renewing the character design, as well as evaluating the scenes and time needed, I come to a conclusion that I should not put time into “Kemono Love” (at least for time being), and should focus on experimenting and drawing stuff that is people are more familiar of. Especially with all the delays in upcoming months, I don’t see any time slot I can fit “Kemono Love” into. Not to mention last time I draw the characters was 2 years ago, and I feel like the new design will heavily clash with the old version. So this project will be put on hold.

But don’t worry, the Original zombie story pack that I talked about will still be a thing in 2018, probably late of this year though.

So that’s about all the update for today, thanks for reading.



Frank Leo

What "weird sickness" is it? ... that term scares me. Are you alright?


:(:(:( Kemono Love canceled.... :( That is a very sad news for me... :( Well I guess there's nothing we can do about it now. :(


It's nothing serious. Just somehow I got allergic reaction on my leg, making my foot bleed internally and making me have problem to walk... went to see doctor and wasted a lot of the days (as that doctor takes forever to wait), then the med have sleepy effect so making me feel super lazy last week (; ̄д ̄)


Ye sorry about that... there is just quite a lot of stuff going on, I am not sure if Kemono Love is really a good things to do at the moment...(;´ Д` )


I hope your health problem gets better soon. Don't worry about artblock too much. If the weather in HK is as horrible as it's been here for the past months, it's no wonder you're down. Just take it slowly and do what you can manage. Personally I wouldn't mind some more high quality re-releases of your older works, if you can't draw enough to fill the pack.


Don’t worry, it is nothing serious (I think)~ thanks for caring~( ´ ▽ ` )ノ “High quality re-releases of your older works”, could you name some of them? Because I can’t think of what older works to release and fill the pack 「(゚ペ)