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Sorry for no activity for so long… Not been feeling too well emotionally recently… It isn’t like something happened or anything, but since last week for some reason I just feel really demotivated on drawing, and I find it really hard to just put a lot of time into drawing like I normally can… anyway, I am trying to get my engine running again so no worries!~ (@´ _`@)

Have been working very slowly on drawing this week, it was partly also due to the fact I didn’t quite like how the faces on Atago X Takao drawing from last week turned out, I just keep feeling their faces look too young from how I imagined them to look like. So I went back and adjust stuff such as head size and eyes height, took ages to fix but totally worth it. Now the post from last week has been updated, so hopefully they will look more mature to you guys as well~ヾ(。・ω・。)

As for this drawing, had a lot of fun drawing, I am quite happy on how their lower body looks~ Atago’s expressions look very lewd as well just like what I imagined her in my mind~∩(´ ∀`∩)

I am currently working on the background for the R18 version of this drawing, hopefully will be posting it tomorrow~( ゚▽゚)/




Please take your time, it's alright to slow down for a break sometimes.


Fuck yeah, love me some yuri

Frank Leo

very beautiful