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Another year past… a year full of failure and regrets…(;へ:)

A year full of misery, have no faith in myself, no hope for future… and had tons of arguments with parents regarding my future.. (´×ω×`)

After discussing with father, it is decided that I can draw for 1 more year, after that I will have to find a proper job.. if I don’t make anything out of 2018, this will very likely be my last year as “ppshex”..

So for 2018 I am planning to: Draw next 2 chapter for “Kemono Love”, Zombie pack, possibly some doujin goods in summer (if there is even anyone will buy it..)

When I first start doing drawing seriously I already knew this is going to be hard, with no talent no knowledge, no connection to anyone I always have zero idea as for what to do next… countless of times this year I want to just give up, but thanks to the support of everyone (patreon people especially) I can continue this far… thank you very much for your support! m(_ _)m 

This year’s main change is bewbs!! I have experiment quite a lot on bewbs, size, shape and nip size etc~~ also tried draw more mature characters… Also put some effort to make the linearts look better… but most important change is, there is more new pictures that has actual background, despite everytime is super tiring, but it is something I really need practice on!! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و

Early this year I reached 10,000 followers on pixiv, then last month unbelievably it reach over 20k~~Thank you!~( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ )

Happy New Year! !! (/^▽^)/



Nomake Wan

If you draw full doujinshi of things like Kemono Love or that Rin&Akari short from 2015, I would absolutely buy it. It's stories like those that made me your fan to begin with. Please do your best!


Maybe this year will see your luck change and get better. We’ll be with you till then, fight on!

Frank Leo

I admire your artworks and support you as such. I don't understand why your parents cannot see being a "freelance artist" is a "proper job" ... perhaps you need talk with them more.


For doujin goods I mean like artbooks or merchandise such as key chains etc. I am not skillful and fast enough to produce a 30page doujinshi sadly. But I do plan to continue another shot picture pack for Kemono Love early 2018, and those will be release as monthly content I think. Anyway thanks for support( ゚▽゚)/


Thank you for your support~(*´ ▽`*) To be honest I understand their reason, it is mostly to do with how little I earn with what I am doing at the moment… freelance artist isn’t a proper job if what I am earning cannot sustain my living.. (‘A` )


Being an artist is the noblest and most important profession in the world! There's nothing more valuable than the creation of beauty, and anyone who disagrees is a dumb old dumbo. (;¬_¬) I really hope you meet with some financial success this year! Do you intend to open up regular commissions again, or are the perks of the $40 and $100 tiers the only artworks you do at the request of others?


Thank you for your message~ ( ゚▽゚)/ I don’t know will I open my regular commission soon, I have been quite stressful for past year, and this year could be my final year to draw under the name of “ppshex”, so I am really having a hard to respond on commission requests as I am not sure if I want to use the limited of time to draw for others o(;△;)o I will see if mid 2018 I will have time to open commission again