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TIER 1 – 9 drawings, total of 20 pictures in JPG format

TIER 2 – (20 pictures + )16 Extra images in  PNG format  

TIER 3 – 8 Extra images. 8 PSD files.

Pack includes: 

•Lady Venera (ver. 171101)

•Stella Vermillion

•Sakura Airi

•Starbucks Onee-san


•Dangerous Beast Scathach Chibi

•Dangerous Beast Scathach

•Dangerous Beast Scathach pt.2

•Dangerous Beast Nero


I hope you still enjoy this content pack. 

Thank you very much for everyone who support me~ヾ(^∇^)



Been quite busy (lazy) this week so there isn’t much updates. Had a really big fall out with my guardian/aunt week ago, which sorta killed my mood on drawings but we are okay now. (*・▽・*)

Going to try finish Muruki drawing, then do a sketch on a commission, and maybe will sketch Florence Nightingale with some needle action very soon~ ( ᐛ )و

I am holding back some drawings and releasing it next month instead, this is because I am actually going to go back HK end of this month, and I am not sure how free I will be once I go back (family and friends business, location change and all other bs). I also planned to use the whole January for Sakura and Furong Story pack, so I will try to space the drawings out in the upcoming 2 months so January won’t feel so empty. (I don’t know what I am talking about.)

I also wanted to do a huge story pack with zombies (similar to the one back in 2012, you can find it on my pixiv), planning to make it the most brutɐl picture pack yet! At the moment I am hoping I can do it somewhen February or March, let me know what you think on this~ (ノ^∇^)
