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It has been quite a long time since I draw any Loli~ Every time I do it mum will tell me I shouldn’t draw anymore in the future as cops will put me down lol…┐(´∀`)┌

(#`皿´) I hate pedo and child p0rn in reality, but loli in anime is fine, even though I am not lolicon. _(:3」∠)_

Anyway, this is a commission by the same client from last year October’s loli drawing~ was quite happy to draw loli again since I rarely draws them, give me a chance to experiment~ o(^▽^)o

We have been discussing this idea since last year, but due to university I couldn’t do it, as this is quite a big project as well... (´_`)

Throughout this year the idea developed and it went into quite a weird way as I feel quite stressful this year… and now on the final 2 pages, is a new stage of weird that I stepped into… lol…_(´ཀ`」 ∠)_

I wonder what you guys think of this set LOL ( ◞・౪・)



Frank Leo

very good


Little girls in anime can be very erotic. But real child? No way, that only make me sick.


Ye loli in anime is okay~ ⊂((・▽・))⊃ Real life ? NO!!! (#`皿´ )