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Ah…. The armour is super tiring… it was a lot more work than I expected Ɛ=((´ д`))

Gotta say it was really fun to draw dark skin character, it has been too long since I did one lol (°∀°)

All the variations were a lot of fun to do, especially drawing her big nipples were certainly one of the more fun bit on this drawing~(≧∇≦)/

And while drawing this I thought it will be a pity to not experiment a bit more, especially when there is a linked nipple piercing~ so I decided to add one extra variation with her pulling the chain, drawing her bewbs get drag up like this were quite a challenge, hopefully I did okay on that part~~ヾ(´ ▽`;)ゝ

This drawing will also be available in the September pack, there will be an full body version and a  special milk version . 




Wow, amazing pictures!

Frank Leo



Very nice, as always! :O


but at what tier? you should really tel us what tier they will be in


Sorry about that, this drawing hasn't been release yet, it will be release end of this week. As for the "Exclusive nude version", it is in the description of Tier 2, I will make it clearer for future.