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I know quite a lot of people really like the Starbucks girl I drew back in 2015, but honestly I really dislike that drawing for the anatomy errors etc…(´ _`。)

The idea of the drawing was good, but back then I wasn’t as good on drawing… I wanted to draw an one-san feel character, but on the older one her face looks too young, and I didn’t manage to draw the bewb size I had in mind. Most annoying thing is how the lower body on the body drawing was simply too small, making it feels like she is a kid or something…(`Д´ )

With all those things in mind, this time I try correct all mistakes, and also made her hair more wavy to look prettier~ヽ(・∀・)ノ

In case you never seen the old Starbucks drawing: http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/ppshex/351080/NOT-Starbucks




Do we get to see how they make the coffee?


Depends on how many of you want to see a sequel on this drawing etc


Does it count if I comment it 12 times? :DDD I like this idea.:)


unfortunately it only count 1 times per person (゜▽゜;) anyway glad you like this idea~~ (/^▽^)/

Frank Leo

This is the 12th comment


I really like the Idea


nah, each person's comment or like only count as one vote. (゜∇゜;)


starbursts(since 1971)should be 46 now, she should be a


I really love her mature face you made. It makes her look like a woman of "experience" if you know what I mean ;)


haha thanks~ I tried to do it on the 2015 one but failed, glad to hear it works this time (≡^∇^≡)